Friday, March 25, 2005

realised there're quite a bit of stuff to do for my lab. *sigh* plus points appeal, i tik i've got thousand and one things to do this weekend. met susan for lunch at canteen A then headed to town in hope of collecting my new shoes. as expected, my shoes were not ready but the consolation is i got myself another pair! *grins* decided to pamper myself and go shopping. happy happy day! bought a new top and skirt from mango. *smiles* stayed home for the rest of the night while waiting for confirmation of plans from ziwei. went PS to meet up with the guys. never had a more exciting time getting the tickets. wanted to catch "The Eye 10", both 110am and 150am tickets were already sold out. our only chance is to get the uncollected bookings. so we waited. no luck for the 110am show. almost settled for "Ms Congenality 2". but ziwei was bent on watching the former. so we waited again. at last, we got the tickets we wanted but had to split 3-2 separated by a row. all of us were expecting to watch a horror movie and i have no idea why there were constant laughters. the show was a disappointment. sumhow the scary parts seemed funny. to think i was so looking forward to the show.