that's my nintendo DS from darling, the ice blue one. the pink one belongs to my dad. *beams* loving my DS to bits, so is my dad. he'll take out the game to play after work and it wouldn't leave his hands till it's time for bed. knew he would love it. juz downloaded tetris for him. thanks to kenneth that we'll always get new games. *grins*
that's my Louis Vuitton Wallet in Damier Canvas! darling gave it to me on Sunday. it's a birthday plus anniversary pressie. so sweet. love love. he actually saw the picture on my blog early this year, took the picture and went to the shop to get the wallet for me. the azur stock has juz arrived recently. it was a real surprise. i'm a happy and contented girl!
i've been attacked by the virus, the bug called laziness. *grins* went genting early may with darling. issac's leave wasn't approved as the shop is shorthanded. though we lost money at the casino, darling and i truly enjoyed ourselves. took a few rides at the outdoor and indoor theme parks. guess i'm too old for such thrills. *bleah* planned to go snowland as well but in the end, contributed our admission tickets to the casino. though it was freezing, really wish singapore's weather would be as cooling. didn't find anything worth buying except a few key rings for darling's good friends. the trip was solely for us to rest and relax.
planning to get a car before july, before the GST hike. though i really hafta tighten my belt but it's a must that i get the car. it's my dream right from the beginning. juz that i hafta settle for a much cheaper one now as finance wouldn't allow me to get anything close to my LEXUS! *sigh* but like darling mentioned, it's a good start (hopefully). having mixed feelings. excited but yet worried that i might not be able to cope. nevertheless, i hafta take the 1st step. any suggestions on the car model? deciding between toyota vios or honda fit. am open to other choices as well, especially if it would help me to save cost. *smiles* thanks darling for helping to gather all the information. know you're worried about me on the road, promise i'll be a safety driver and practise more before i get the car. sorry mum and dad that your allowance will hafta be cut as i need to support the car now. looking forward to getting the car.