In ancient Greek mythology, Gemini's ruler - Mercury, was the light-footed messenger of the gods who darted back and forth across the heavens delivering news - which might explain why those born under the sign of the 'Twins' are always on the move; thirsty for knowledge and new experiences. Terminally curious and sometimes even mischievous, Geminis are multi-faceted souls who enjoy knowing a little bit of everything but generally not too much about one particular subject. It's just that variety is the spice of their lives!
In Astrology, Geminis have also gained the reputation of being the incessant talkers of the zodiac. Those Twins that don't have the 'gift of the gab' are usually talented writers or have a special interest in foreign languages. In love, they look for a partner who can keep up with them mentally and physically! And, to quote Oscar Wilde, "there's one thing worse than people talking about you, that's people not talking about you." Whether Geminis like it or not, people are usually "talking about them". Together with Scorpio and Virgos, they are a sign that is often discussed, dissected and sometimes even put down by the other signs of the zodiac. Sometimes this is a subtle form of jealousy by others, because Geminis do lead very unique and unusual lives. The Gemini personality can appear mysterious or detached to others and therefore they are often misunderstood and unappreciated for the talents they offer to the world at large.
Another reason Geminis evoke so much interest is many born under this sign are multi-dimensionally talented. In money matters, some Geminis are very adept and quick at making it...and spending it too. Many Geminis are involved in international financial wheeling and dealing. They love the adventure and game playing involved in out-thinking other people. Gemini's can be very haphazard about their financial affairs too, with many of them ending up in divorce courts mainly because their partners have become tired of living on the edge of a financial precipice.
Gemini is the Third Sign of the Zodiac and is vastly associated with storytellers, communicators and youth. This Sign is symbolized by Twins who are, in and of themselves, their own representatives. And is dual natured, complex and at times contradictory. The person born under this sign is a pool of versatility and since it is linked with Mercury, the person have graces and faults of the young. The Gemini person is very attractive and like children they are always happy, imaginative and restless. They are most enthusiastic about new ventures and the treat life as a game which should be always full of new rules, and devoid of any routine or regular labor. The great qualities of a Gemini are that they are easy-going, cheerful, confident and calm. They are also helpful and which is highly creditable.
The Gemini people are affectionate, courteous, kind and generous. They are quick learners to us their advantages of good looks to gain their own end of the bargain. Just like children, they seek for affection, admiration and go to any extent to gain that popularity.
Most Gemini has an in-depth brilliance and they are most enthused when faced with challenges that utilize the brain. They are agile by nature and have a voracious appetite for knowledge. Moreover, a Gemini has the capability to grasp, anything of intelligence, with lot more quickness than others. Intellectually they have an analytical mind which can dissect situations and events in a few moments.
A Gemini is very communicative, versatile and is very curious. A Gemini is always on the look out that how things work and is curious to the maximum extent. They would like to know a little of all things and would like to be the �jack of all trades�, and has the ability to skim through the surface to get the best thing out.
A Gemini, though at times may be fickle in love, but can also get emotionally involved. They can be witty at times and make very good entertaining companions and acquaintances. Even at appalling times, a Gemini can be playful and have a gift of the gab. But, usually a Gemini will make wonderful lovers, soft, tender and very attentive. Once can be in the seventh heaven with a Gemini lover.
A Gemini can attain success in any walks of life and they can ascend great heights with their use of language and speech. They can make excellent debaters, orators, teachers, authors, poets, journalists or lawyers. More so, a Gemini, prefer business which require lot of intellect and adaptable attitude to changing situations, like in brokerage work, public relation works or may just a traveling salesman. They will hardly squander any money and will take care of spending with a rational and logical mind. Since, they are rational, analytical and logical they can be good scientists in fields of medicine, while their casual attitude to danger can make them a desirable member in the Armed Forces. One can find an excellent artist in a Gemini in the fields of music, painting and sculpture.
A Gemini loves freedom and would not like to be restrained either physically or mentally. Though they do not prefer being alone, but to them variety is the spice of life. With their excellent conversational prowess they are never tired of talking and are avid readers. A Gemini is always keen to undertake multiple projects at once and have a keen eye for unusual and novel things.
To spice up things a Gemini has the required art to keep secrets and can keep it well hidden under the hat.
Personal and Social Life in 2011:
Busy as usual, Gemini? You'll make many commitments this year - but you might have troubles keeping them all. It's better to give an honest "no" than to have to break a promise. Remember that throughout the year.
If you're trying to catch up financially, you could bite off more than you can chew. There may be times when it's wiser to turn down extra work. What good is a growing account balance when you're too tired to enjoy it? Be realistic. Too often you operate on nervous energy, so you should build yourself up. And don't forget to eat foods that nourish your body.
In spite of the extra hours you're putting in, you should see your family and friends more often in 2011. Your companions could wonder why you don't call as often. If you explain to them that you're working more, they'll understand. Just make sure they know. Otherwise, your relationships could become strained.
June and October should be your best months. Make the most of them!
Love in 2011 - Singles:
If it's commitment you want, it should come your way. However, remember that both you and your partner will want lives of your own. Time spent apart with your own friends makes for sweeter reunions.
You're a smart person, and you're attracted to intelligent people. You crave the company of people with a lot to say. This year, you're likely to find more than one deep thinker, and among them there's likely to be one who touches your heart as well as your mind. It may, however, take you all year to find him/her.
You tend to change your mind a lot - about lovers and other matters. You can also make up your mind at the drop of a hat. If you decide that a prospective lover isn't for you, don't drop him/her like a proverbial hot potato. You could live to regret it. Everyone has bad days - so give this person another chance.
Career and Money in 2011:
Stability could finally come your way. The world situation has thrown you into a quandary, but now you're more focused and more likely to succeed at whatever means the most to you.
You're working two jobs: one, to keep the wolf from the door, and the other is a project of your own that you're hoping to market. The first job will bring in money; the second involves a few expenditures - and it also will take more time than you'd thought to bring to fruition. Hang in there. Aspirations keep us all going. Success will come in time.
You're intelligent, funny, and sharp, and most of your colleagues not only like you, but depend on you for new ideas. The problem is that there may be one or two who envy you, and don't even try to hide it. This can be confusing, and could make things really uncomfortable for you. Kill them with kindness.
You like to spend more than you like to save - but if you want to build a future, you have to set at least a little more money aside. Don't grimace; this effort will bear fruit.
In 2011, you should get ahead, but don't celebrate by throwing a big bash. Buy yourself a present - something you really want, but nothing outrageous.
Gemini and Libra love compatibility
These two air signs are well suited intellectually and every other way. It is difficult for the representatives of both signs to control their passions. If love makes this world spinning around then this couple gives an initial push for it. This is an ideal partnership. Both favor similar changes of interests. In the case of this pair, Libra is the judge and Gemini is the responsive jury in the nuptial courthouse. The combination's intellectual and artistic interests are compatible. Both sides of the Gemini nature will be under stood by the Libra. Both of them are passionate and nobody is too jealous at the same time . They characters have a lot in common , and they perfectly understand each other in bedroom. Libra is highly sexed and their lovemaking will never go lacking. Their sex-life will never be dull. This is a perfect connection; warm and happy married couple.