Saturday, September 06, 2014

My Pregnancy Journey - Part 3

Prenatal and Baby Insurance

AIA Family First Baby

AXA Mum's Advantage

Prudential PRUfirst Gift

Disclaimer : Comparison / summary is done based on my own understanding after gathering information online and speaking to AXA and Prudential financial consultants
During one of our meet-ups, PP mentioned that we should consider getting preterm plan for our baby as she personally feels that it is necessary. Upon her advise, I decided to text Nicky, my NTU hall-mate and financial consultant after years of no contact. He informed that Pru First Gift can only be signed at 18 weeks of pregnancy, me being me, decided to procrastinate since I was only 12 weeks then.

Started gathering information from online sources at 15 weeks when other Dec mummies discussed about this. Realised that I needed to meet up with respective representatives in order to clear my doubts and fixed the session with Nicky for the following week. Coincidentally, we left our contacts during a baby fair the same week, and Jia Le from AXA called to arranged for a meeting the same week as Nicky.

After discussing with Nicky and Jia Le, we figured that all 3 coverage are pretty much similar, and it became an even tougher choice between Prudential and AXA. Decided to exclude AIA from the list which might further complicate decision. Considering our budget and our comfort with each consultant, we finally chose to sign with AXA at 18 weeks. It is advisable to confirm the plan before 20 weeks detailed scan as they would take the results into consideration thereafter.

Name of Plan : MumCare Plus
Commencement Date : 01 Aug 2014
Single Premium : $615.00

Name of Plan : INSPIRE FlexiProtector (Choice Cover)
Commencement Date : 01 Aug 2014
Regular Premium : $2,400.00