Monday, March 07, 2011

2011年3月7日 没有王仕捷的第四百八十一天

"Never get too attached to anyone because attachments lead to expectations and expectations lead to disappointments"

this statement has been proven true so many times to me. much as i always remind myself not to expect too much or even expect anything at all, there are bound to be times when expectations arise. during such times, no matter how minimal the expectations are, more often than not, they will lead to unhappiness or worse, quarrels. i suppose when one becomes more attached to another person (especially a change in status), expectations tend to increase in one way or another. however, there are people who take things for granted, unknowingly lower the level of TLC given to the other party and hence, leading to disappointments. at this point, please do not become defensive and say "he/she should understand". it is always much easier to understand the situation fully when you are not in it. remember that there are two sides to a coin, you may be at the head one day, but you will never know when you will be at the tail.

i am trying my best to not have any expectations from him. everything else that comes will be a bonus. a simple email reply from him made my sunday. =)