Saturday, July 26, 2014

NDP 2014 - NE3 - Live from The Float @ Marina Bay

the visor included in fun pack was my greatest saviour
red lion in action
the parade contingents
our singapore flag

act one : celebrate it!
act one : celebrate it!
act one : celebrate it!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Baby's a Boy!

22 Jul : our baby at approximately 17 weeks (obstetric scan)
22 Jul : can you tell the gender?
doctor claudine knew i wish for a baby girl and did not want to confirm the gender till after detailed scan. she showed my hubby the 2nd photo and softly commented that it is obvious. much as it is scientifically proven that gender is determined by the male's sperm, dear insisted is due to the random song i made up and/or the dramas i have been watching. upon the almost 100% confirmation, i decided to filter my online shopping cart and check out the neutral coloured baby apparels.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

NDP 2014 - NE1

air was still that evening which caused the fireworks to hide behind the smoke after a while, only the 1st few shots were clear.

Saturday, July 05, 2014

NDP 2014 - CR3

the lights were really beautiful that evening. did not manage to capture any fireworks as we had to evacuate due to the light drizzle that came at the same instance.